MICA Bunion Surgery Basics
Mr Redfern training surgeons in New York where his operation has been featured on national television
What is MICA?
MICA stands for Minimally Invasive Chevron Akin. This is the name of the keyhole (minimally invasive) operation that Mr Redfern created in conjunction with a French colleague. It is a much less invasive method of correcting bunions and hallux valgus (big toe turning outwards)
MICA Bunion Operation
Mr Redfern is a world-leading orthopaedic surgeon and inventor of the MICA technique. He teaches surgeons internationally in this and other keyhole surgery techniques. He has appeared on BBC television featuring his keyhole bunion surgery (MICA) as well as attracting attention in the British national newspapers featuring his surgery.
Mr Redfern regularly travels to the USA and worldwide to train surgeons in his techniques
Less pain for patients undergoing bunion surgery
Mr Redfern has published his techniques in the medical literature and independent studies have confirmed less pain with his MICA bunion operation than with open surgery such as the Scarf Akin operation.