Patient Advice
MICA @ 6 weeks
6 Week Review MICA Information Sheet
Review in the outpatients with x-ray on arrival at 5-6 weeks after surgery
The post-op shoe can be exchanged for your own shoes which should be well cushioned and supportive such as a trainer).
Your choice of shoes will be limited for several months due to the swelling which will resolve by 4-6 months in most cases. However, as the swelling subsides, Mr Redfern is happy for you to begin to return to fashionable shoes as you find comfortable. In most cases it is 4-6 months before patients return to their high heels or narrow toed footwear.
Physiotherapy recommended to begin at this stage and will assist with returning your walking pattern (gait) to normal and also assist with restoring full motion in the big toe and any other operated toes
Can graduallyincrease daily activity from week to week. The emphasis here is on the word gradual. The bones are still healing for several months. The swelling is a sign of the ongoing bone healing and it is important that you do not ignore this and try and increase your activity too quickly. “Listen to the foot” is good advice. If there is a lot of swelling or you have discomfort then you are probably doing too much!
No exercising until 8 weeks after surgery when some gentle cycling and swimming is allowed
No running or racket sports (no impact exercise) until at least 4 months after surgery